![]() With everything that’s happened over this past month, making decisions, making committments, understanding the poverty mind set conditionning that’s been holding me back, I’ve had one breakthrough after another. And since this weekend, being around 5000 plus other people having breakthroughs in their life, I’ve Just had The Most Powerful Breakthrough Yet! YES! So, we all know by now that we are the creators of our lives, that we have infinite potential to manifest whatever we can dream and believe to be possible – Right? And we surely all know by now that we have aons of baggage from our cultural and ancestral conditionning to realise and release and purge from our systems – Yes? And we all have dreams that we want to fulfil and live our precious lives right here right Now to our fullest potential – Agreed? So, then why are so many people within the conscious, aware communities still absolutely BROKE? We have everything at our finger tips and yet we can’t get our hands on a pile of money when we need it, or want it, and so many people scrape by on just enough or less. We can blame the economy, we can blame the government or Margaret Thatcher (still?), or the banks or the illuminati, or our parents or whatever. We might even say that we don’t need money, or we don’t want to be rich because Love is all we need and the rich are filthy. Are we pointing the finger because we can’t actually put our finger on Why there’s so much poverty? Are we saying that 'Yes, I am a Source Created Being of Infinite Potential and yet on the other hand I’m powerless to create abundance, even after years of workshops and trying hard?' To be Truely all that we are means Being Unlimited! We are all beings of pure love, made of the stuff, so there’s no shortage of that. It’s just a matter of REALIZING IT! We don’t need to hang on to it, seek it, create it and try to give more of it. We simply are IT. So now where does Wealth fit into the picture? Would a being of infinite LOVE, presence and potential limit themselves with poverty striken beliefs or ‘poor me’ beliefs or ‘it’s their fault beliefs’, or ‘wealth isn’t for me’ beliefs? Of course not! That would be a total contradiction. My 12 year old would call it hypocracy. He loves to use that word! He’s a clever little sausage. He knows his power and he knows that by asking and by willing it he can get whatever he wants in his life. He wants to be a Hollywood actor and he wants to be rich. He has just joined an acting agency and already is having auditions left, right and centre. This week he’s auditioning for his first feature film. I bet he gets it! This is the part he wants the most. Nothing stops this child, he’s amazing. Were we once like that? We all had dreams and where are we with that now? I always knew I was a princess stuck in a rut. I always felt different from my family and the people around me because I really didn’t like the poverty. I thought I just thought too much of myself, then felt bad and guilty, so I started running around pleasing and serving people to feel better, to add more love and erase the suffering. Cinderella syndrome it’s called. Every cloud has a silver lining though and I learned huge and incredible things from serving others. It served me well! It could well get to the point where we ask who’s really serving who, because were all playing roles in our own communal movies, acting out the parts for eachother that we believe we’re supposed to. Until the spell is broken! The sleepy magic is undone and we all look around and start stripping off our costumes with myrrh and glee! Hooray, now we’re free! Free to play another game. The game of reality, where we are neither conditionned or stuck. We are neither poor nor victims to anything, especially our own minds, anymore. We never were, it was just a trick of the light and some heavy make-up. And so who wants to play “Let’s Be the Very Golden Light that We Are” game? Let’s be free in every sense of the word where financial burdens are a thing of the past. How many relationships have broken up around you in the past year? If you’re parents argued a lot or have separated, what did they argue about the most? I bet money that it was Money that caused the rifts. One person feeling let down because the other wasn’t providing enough. Or the constant worry that drove a wedge between them and drove them both mad. Think about it. If they had no financial concerns and each person was free to be the shining, creative person they were born to be, would their love have lasted? Maybe that’s only me, it’s just a thought… Wealth starts Within. Wealth is our true state, remember? We Are the abundance of Everything! Here’s one of the wealth principles from this book I’m reading by T. Harv Eker’s, ‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’ “If you are not fully, totally, and truely committed to creating wealth, chances are you won’t.” So the shift starts from the inside. To commit like a marriage to creating the wealth that you are, and have the potential to become. To live a liberated free existence where greater possiblilities than we yet dream of are possible. The world looks and feels different when you’re Being Unlimited. Having a Breakthrough on a daily basis I feel like a little fish that’s outgrown my pond. It’s so full of other fish all scrabbling for food and we need a bigger pond! It is the time of EXPANSION. Energetically I see the Earth expanding. You can see the cracks and feel the stretching movements of her skin as she breathes OUT in the final pushes and rushes of her labour. And through the cracks I see golden lights lighting up the globe everywhere. Light emerging from beneath the hardened surface. It’s the true face of humanity and the true light of Earth birthing out, having an enormous Breakthrough! I see it with every client that comes to me, happening to them in symbiosis with the expansion of the Great I AM of their Spirit, breaking up the old ground that’s haunted humanity for millenia. Money and sex are the base level shames of these hauntings. They’re linked and that’s why I said what I said about money and relationships. Poverty is just not sexy! The Birthing Centre of our being, or the Base Chakra (the goolies), is in most people a dungeon of shame and worthless-ness beliefs. It’s where we root into the past and still hold secret the ancestral darkness, so money and sex have had a bad name and spawned like a disease accross the earth, drenched in shame and guilt. And I know absolutely, that these low level, base level areas of our life needs more light. It needs total transformation! We must give those places within us where the shame runs deepest, our greatest attention now! Let us Breakthrough the old illusions that have enslaved mankind. Our Consciousness and Love can reign down and forgive our negative and dark associations and completely renew and restore the rightful vibrations of Money and Sex. For these elements of our own creation are exactly where the power within us lay (or lies) If we are kings and Queens of this earth, then may we sit upright and well upon the thrones of our base centres. And may we erupt in fountains of goddessey pleasure knowing that we have returned to our original state of glory, naked, vulnerable, innocent and shameless in our sexy richness! This is my Breakthrough. This is who I am. Deep down I’m a sexy, rich Goddess! A queen in my own b’earth right. What’s your truth? Are you prepared to sit on it any longer and deny what wants to break through you and be FREED?! Arise Kings and Queens. It’s time to shine! Let’s bring it on. With love Tara Love Perry Soul readings, Channeling, and Energy Healing for wealth, mind, body and soul Transformations.
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![]() The Seed So it’s spring, just about, and all the little shoots are popping out all over the place. They’ve had quite a journey. In their dark, damp hiding place the seeds start; swelling up with all the moisture in their environment, softening their shell, readying for the break-out of their outer husky casing, expanding from their very core essence. Then they had to start throwing out a tiny strand of root downwards, and begin to bulge out towards the sunlight from deep inside the darkness. The seed has magic intellegence to know the differnece between up and down by feeling for the warmth. Those tendrilings begin their journey in opposite directions, gathering strength, building up momentum, navigating lumps and bumps in the soil, and probably hitting it’s delicate shoot and root head and toes on rocks. What’s the shoot going to do when it hits it’s head? Cry? Give up? Say to itself, Well I didn’t really want to grow into a carrot anyway? Maybe this isn’t my path? The shoot and the rootperseveres. The life force within it does not know about giving up, or feel disheartened by the odds weighing against it’s success (i imagine so anyway). Even if a big boot comes along and carelessly crushes the little thing, it will persevere and may even make it, past the rocks, slightly crushed, and burst out into the daylight on the stage of the world. Incredible! I am totally relating to my carrots at the moment. I felt like that seed towards the end of last year. My seed was absolutely saturated with feeling and tears, humbling me, preparing me for the cracking of my husk. I felt vulnerable and naked and pretty much in the darkness of all my worst fears coming true. Then over the winter I gathered my strength, opening more, casting away more. I aquainted myself with up and down, aligning myself, figuring which directions my new shoots needed to go in,expanding from my very core essence. Then near the end of the winter I got free of the last bit of shell and started to grow. It was scary, I couldn’t see where I was going. I didn’t know what I was going to do next, or how I would appear out there in the world, anew and strange. February and March I felt more sturdy, more rooted, as I sensed the Earth beneath me, through me, in my fibers and cells. Just gentle sensing, feeling, Wobbling, feeling the dampness of my emotions and spirit. Watering myself with feeling and more feeling. Breathing deeper and deeper into my reserves, and seeking out the rich oxygen of the night. I started gathering momentum, but the spring came late!I felt confused! Where’s the sun, where’s the warmth to inform me that I’m heading up in the right direction, still not able to see my path? Sometimes I did want to give up, but the seed in me, the essence would not. It pushes me onwards into the unknown. I was just about to break through, I thought, then the boot came, another light crushing. A rock here and there. But I kept my head down and just kept feeling the inner urging. Then finally I breakthrough!! Just a weensey bit, almost missable. I’m growing, i’m growing and then Eeeeek! Panic. I don’t know if carrots panic, but i did. Shit I’m scared. I’m scared because I know what I’m going to be when I grow up and it seems Soooo Big. I’ve been small, underground for so long, living the life inside the husk, knowing my purpose, preparing for my greater purpose, trying out my dreams to see if they really look good on me. Imaging and wondering how I will look when I finally make it, out there in the big wide world. But staying small and hidden. Thinking that I failed, because the dream did look good on me, but I had to leave the dream behind inside the shell. And now, despite the fear of Boots and the possibility that I may not make it, the essence strength of me will not give up. It is not from my will power that I grow, but from the Earth Herself, urging, nudging and encouraging like a gentle mother. I grow from the seed of potential and untold possibility in me that yearns to live, to thrive and Expand up and out towards to light and the stars. It is not from my mind because I don’t know how I’m going to get there. When I try to think about that it hurts! Carrots for brains! But I have direction, focus, clarity. I feel aligned, straighter inside by the day as I continue to unfurl from a dream seed that was planted in me a long time ago. I don’t know what this garden will look like and what the grand design is, but I sense that there is one. That each one of us, as I look around at my fellow sproutlings, are doing the gardener proud! I’m admiring the growth and the courage of the ground-breaking and husk de-sheathing adventures that have happened, and listening with my roots for the other seeds that have another bit of time to go before they make it out. Some will sprout mid summer, while others may wait another season. There is new-ness and old-ness somehow all mixed together. I’ve always been this way, as I was inside my shell, but now I’m more of it and I can’t control it. Life is dancing with me. Somedays I feel a bit awkward like a teenager, wondering if people still like me, somedays I feel a bit kinky, or funky and have sudden outbursts. Other days I’m like the sun itself with the Emmanating warmth Radiating from my Essence. And beacause I’m such an admirer of beauty and such an admirer of seeds, I nod my head and bow as the evening sun sets and wish you all a very happy and successful growing. With Love Tara Love Perry www.taraloveperry.com ~ Psychic Reading, Soul guiding, Energy Healing and MORE! |
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February 2023