Quick disclaimer ~ Some would argue that the world doesn't need saving, it's the people that do! That's why my list of the Top Ten Ways to Save the World has some surprising elements that are not necessarily linked with environmentalism, but definitely have a huge and transformational impact on the future of our planet and humanity. Some will disagree with the list below and may even become enraged or condemning of my choices and views...but's that's life. We're all different. I've listed these 10 things from a life-time's experience in holistic living, spirituality, consciousness development, and vegetarianism, with 15 years as a Soul/Akashic Record Reader. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback is always interesting! Enjoy...and most importantly, choose to make a difference and TAKE ACTION!! Much love. ![]() 10 Stop working for un-integral corporations or selling your soul to a job that sucks the life out of you! Instead do work you love and help others. Take back your time and your power, and fulfil your life by letting go of a false belief that you are dependant upon ‘The System’ for money. The truth is, the system is dependant upon YOU working for them! When you discover your gifts, talents and inner-genius and apply them in a way that serves You to serve others, not only will you help end tyranny and corruption and become the solution the world is waiting for, you'll be fulfilling you destiny and your own heart too! You have a unique potential and purpose that will make you and many others happier, healthier and wealthier. Don't wait a day longer through fear. Make a life transforming decision NOW to live your purpose and serve humanity. ![]() 9 STOP FEARING the worst! Fear, worry, hatred and blaming does not change a darn thing - it just throws more petrol to the already fiercely burning flames of destruction. Your fear shuts you down and creates an extremely toxic energetic environment, detrimental to your life and others’. Instead, choose compassion, understanding and forgiveness, then use your enlightened state of genius to source creative and dynamically effective solutions to the issues that you’re most passionate about. Try loving your enemies instead. Embrace your fears. You’ll discover that you were just projecting the part of yourself that you disowned, feared and hated onto the other person. Love and compassion are the most powerful, if not, the ONLY medicine to transform all things malevolent back to their original and pristine state. Your biggest enemy and worst fear is your own shadow. Stop feeding it. Own it and love it! ![]() 8 Save the World ~ Save The Ocean! The sea produces around half of all the oxygen we breathe (thanks to phytoplankton, tiny single-celled ocean plants). Not to mention absorbing half of all man-made climate-warming carbon dioxide. But, the sea’s biodiversity of marine life is being drastically depleted by mankind at a rate faster than they can reproduce, with WWF's latest figures showing that the total amount of vertebrate sea life (including fish) has reduced by more than a third since 1970! Seafood stocks are increasingly threatened by climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, and habitat loss. The growing demand for seafood is also intensifying destructive fishing practices and the bycatch of marine animals. Could you reduced your consumption of fish? Let’s face it, with dangerously high levels of toxic chemicals, hormones, mircoplastics and mercury in the seafood you eat, you’re literally poisoning yourself anyway? Help reduce the demand for overexploited species by choosing seafood that is both healthful and sustainable. Let the ocean replenish and rebalance herself. Let marine life re-establish itself. Let the Mother of all life; our beloved Ocean, be in peace. And remember that without oxygen, we die too. "We have seen such a sharp decline in the fish that we consume in my lifetime that I personally choose not to eat any," ~ Legendary oceanographer Sylvia Earle ![]() 7 Change Your Energy! When you change your gas and electric to an eco-energy supplier you will no longer be contributing to the ecocidal practice of fracking, coal mining, oil and gas drilling, or nuclear power. The fact that we still burn fossil fuels despite our technological capabilities and environmental knowledge is pure insanity. Plus, nuclear power plants only generate 14% of the world’s energy but have the potential to kill off much of the planet if just one of them was to have a serious disaster. Another incident like Fukushima would create an irreversible catastrophe. Whereas, renewable energy is infinitely safer and currently accounts for 24.5% of world energy production, that's almost a quarter. It’s a simple no-brainer to switch immediately. I use ‘Good Energy’ in the UK and you can switch over easily here - https://www.goodenergy.co.uk/ ![]() 6 Impending, Invisible Threat - Perhaps one the biggest threats to all life looming on planet right now is the new mobile phone technology - 5G. According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz, a public health professor at the University of California, “The deployment of 5G, or fifth generation cellular technology, constitutes a massive experiment on the health of all species.” Eluxe Magazine states “5G technology puts environmental health at risk in a number of ways. First, MMWs may pose a serious threat to plant health…it could contaminate our food supply. Second, the 5G infrastructure would pose a threat to our planet’s atmosphere. Third, 5G will potentially threaten natural ecosystems.” The best cure is prevention ~ so if you value our world more than your download speed, and you want a world for our kids to grow up in, sign a petition to get this STOPPED before it starts. > https://www.change.org/p/change-org-stop-the-rollout-of-5g-service ![]() 5 Open Your Mind, Educate Yourself & Others. People tend to avoid making changes, often rigidly justifying their choices and beliefs, staying stuck in comfort zones of critical, fear-based thinking patterns that actually limit us from expressing our fullest potential as conscious beings. What if we adopted a more open-minded, open-hearted attitude, also engaging with our natural intuitive senses to determine truth and reality? By becoming more open we may discover greater potentials and possibilities beyond our current perspective, and develop new technologies, systems and infrastructures channelled from our higher intuitive or heart intelligence that better support human life. We don't know what we don't know, so to make positive advancements we must be open and expand our consciousness, tapping into our higher vibrations, our soul and universal knowledge. If you want to learn more about consciousness expansion and intuitive development - contact me HERE ![]() 4 Reduce Plastic! - From the truck load of plastic dumped in the world’s oceans EVERY MINUTE, rapid de-oxygenation and acidification is making the sea a hostile environment for marine life. Not only will reducing plastic contribute massively to saving the ocean but it will also stop the suffocation of the soil. Terrestrial micro-plastic pollution is estimated up to 23 times higher than marine micro-plastic pollution, and since we produce 400 TONS of plastic annually, including the plastic fibres in our clothing, it’s no wonder that it’s fast becoming irreversibly integrated into every corner of the globe’s eco-system, and alarmingly, our FOOD and WATER. How can you cut down plastic in your household? Here's 15 ways to implement immediately and some science to back it up >> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180205125728.htm ![]() 3 Change The World ~ Change Your Food! ’You are what you eat,’ so to STOP eating fear-farmed, torturously treated, hormone and chemical injected animals would not only be a life-saver for you, but would be the greatest contribution you could make to avoiding eco-disaster. SHOCKING FACT: Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage farming does to the planet. The biggest cause of greenhouse gases is Methane produced by Cattle farms at a whopping 51%. AND the reason why the Amazon and other vital forests are being cut down is for grazing land and growing the Soy to feed them. Give up eating this kind of meat and put the industry out of business to end global warming NOW. If you don't want to stop eating animals, at least shop at your local organic farm instead. “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use,” said Joseph Poore, at the University of Oxford, UK, who led the research. “It is far bigger than cutting down on your flights or buying an electric car,” he said, as these only cut greenhouse gas emissions. FACT - Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year, or 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. http://www.cowspiracy.com/facts/ ![]() 2 Love and Forgive Everyone! - My mum always said, "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Which roughly translates as, none of us perfect so don't judge others. With honest self-enquiry, we can see that there's room for improvement in all of us, and whilst a level of critical assessment is necessary, condemning others is not only hypocritical, but also counter-productive and the antithesis to the result we actually seek to create. Instead of blaming, hating, and throwing stones, try to find the love and forgiveness in your heart that you would wish others have towards you. Love begets love, and before you know it, your loving energy and actions will have a ripple effect on all those around you! Not only are you changing lives by becoming a leading example, but your love raises other people’s vibration too, which in turn transforms how they relate to the world around them. Love and forgiveness can end wars and create peace on earth between all men and women, or at least in your own personal life. There’s no better place to start or time to begin… learn more about love and forgiveness HERE ![]() 1 The number ONE thing needed in this world is more LOVE, and the most powerful and effective place to start is with yourself. Unconditional self-love not only transforms your private, inter-personal relationship with yourself, and consequently the rest of your external life, but it also raises your vibration and ups your level of attraction for what you want to consciously manifest! Self-Love makes you irresistibly magnetic and super empowered! Self love transforms your addictions, habits, diet and the way you treat your mind and body. You suddenly realise you are part of the whole, not separate from anyone else or any other living thing. It bridges your innate need for love and connection to the little one within you that needs it. It heals, ends judgement and mends barriers faster than anything else, and it lasts forever, and it's anti-toxic, and it's sustainable, and it's duplicatable, and it's FREE! When you truly love, forgive, and serve yourself you naturally become a more loving, forgiving and serving person to others. You also learn by your own self-love mastery what’s genuine love and what falls short; what works and what doesn’t. And because Absolute Love is the essential nature of you and all creation, it is fundamentally THE greatest force in the whole universe! There’s literally nothing Love can’t do, including transform the world and evolve your consciousness to the highest potential. To genuinely love oneself and find your own answers and truth within you is the greatest challenge. Throughout history there's been forces that would rather you didn't look within, didn't connect to your inner-source of infinite love, wisdom and truth, and didn't love yourself enough to break through your perceived limitations and expand to your full potential. They would rather you hate and berate yourself, feel ashamed and scared of owning your power, and be a helpless dependant upon their religions, systems, drugs and authority figures instead. The most empowering way to re-claim your sovereignty is self-love. You can learn more now and get started INSTANTLY! I'm literally GIVING AWAY free digital copies of my book "I Love You, Me" because I want You to make a positive difference in your life, become the leader you were born to be, inspire and teach others, and help make this world a more loving and beautiful place to be. Leave a legacy of Love ~ Learn To Love Yourself. |
Author* Hello Beautiful Soul! * Archives
February 2023