11 Signs You're An Angel.Sometimes it seems as if the world can't get any darker, and then it does. And for that reason, you may feel that you absolutely don't belong here.
This is just ONE of the signs that you are an angel, incarnate into a human body, and here to remember who you are and what you role is on earth at this time. You may be one of the rare people who remember choosing to be born into this life, the one with your parents, location and culture that you also chose...And maybe you don't. But you did indeed CHOOSE your life, for better or worse. If that sounds totally nuts, or you howl 'WHY???" at the whole idea whilst clutching your broken heart, or even if you intellectually get it but spiritually bypass the emotions and your inner-child just to cope, then READ ON. 11 Signs You're an Angel. 1. You feel almost permanently disillusioned at the world, and can't figure out what's wrong with people. 2. Because that doesn't make any sense, you end up turning it on yourself and believing that YOU are the wrong one. Utterly, completely and fundamentally wrong. Which still doesn't make sense, causing you a deal of mental anguish and confusion. 3. You have infinite love and compassion for others, even, and especially, when they act in a very 'unloveable' way. Unconditional love is your anchor; your go-to when all else is falling apart. 3. You empathise with even the smallest of hurts and constantly sense the wounding of others, feeling it viscerally in your own body. Often it seems as if you can feel the suffering of the whole world and feel that you can never do enough or make a big enough difference. 4. Because you feel so much, you intrinsically feel responsible for helping, curing or saving other people from their suffering, as if it's YOUR JOB, even if you consciously choose not to believe such a thing. 5. You struggle to say no to helping someone and developing boundaries that put your own needs and wants first. This often results in people walking all over you, or vamping your energy. 6. You lack the normal kind of ego-based confidence that 'normal' people seem to have. You may have worked hard to build this kind of ego-confidence but your default sense of self comes from your heart. You know you're all love, and that's all that matters. 7. You regularly, if truth be known, wish you weren't here. You often wish, pray, beg and plead with the universe to get you outta here, and wonder what hideous karma from your last life you have to learn and complete so that you never have to come back. 8. Everything seems to take aaages and move really slowwwley...as if you used to be able to manifest instantly, but now it can feel to be a frustratingly lengthy process. Once you get over this, time seems to stand still; like it's all happening in a dream. Time generally feels surreal. 9. You have a secret pride that stops you from accepting help, or admitting that you can't do it alone. You subconsciously believe that this Earth trip is a test that you must pass by over-riding the human experience and trying instead to be wholly divine and pure at all times! The trouble is, you're also human and you can't do it alone. You're not supposed to. It's hard for you to trust others because of this. 10. Symptoms may include things like, dizziness or frequent light-headedness, occasional ringing or pressure in the ears or strange inner-audio frequencies, inability to stay focused on left brain tasks, auto-immune related disorders (because your spirit is constantly trying to escape your physical body), swinging from finding extreme beauty in everything to an absence of beauty as if everything is unrecognisable, constant home-sickness, heart-palpitations (not from physical illness), and potential digestive issues because you find it hard to swallow this 3d reality. 11. If you are in fact an angel on earth, it makes everything make more sense. When you were a child you will have seen angels or related to them. You will feel connected to them in some way. You naturally feel attracted to gold, and want to wear it often. You will feel connected to heaven and spirits too. In the end, it's all about love. Love is all that matters to you, and the apparent lack of it in the world, at times, almost kills you. However, your extreme and absolute faith in love and higher powers repeatedly saves you. WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT? All of the above is pointing to the need for you to BRING YOUR LIGHT to the darkest places on earth. That's why you are here. If you were born into a place of intense abuse, ignorance, falsity, evil or absence of presence and love, YOU were born to illuminate it all. It's your natural task to see the truth of the shadow world, and acknowledge the lies, deceit and duplicity. It's your divinely gifted ability to love and forgive the most unloveable evil and darkness. It's why you decided to descend here. But it gets hard, and you get sick, drained, exhausted and mentally de-railed when you try to go back to where you came from. You can't. You are the FUTURE, here in the now. Your existence here is seeding the fifth dimension into the earth realm. Your learning is about how to fully EMBODY your physical nature with your angelic light, love, consciousness and presence, thereby uniting '5D' with this third dimensional reality. These two dimensions mutually co-exist within you, and through you. You are the connector between heaven and earth. You belong in both worlds. You ARE both worlds. You are here to unite duality through loving all of it, and seeing life through the eyes of Source Consciousness where separation does not exist. YOUR CHALLENGE Is to embody divinity fully in your physical body whilst also being completely human!! The solution is to unconditionally love every single aspect of yourself, searching out the places where you carry the ignorance and dis-ease of past generations that transferred to you, and integrating all of it consciously. There is no by-pass for consciousness. It's how the species evolve, and you are leader of the new age, dear angel. Who you are defies logic, because in a lower consciousness two dimensions cannot exists at the same time. But you are living proof that they do, and in fact you embody and are conscious of more than two. The more you embody your angelic self, the more you are able to embody even finer frequencies also, and expand your consciousness beyond the rationality of duality. And to do so means consciously un-earthing, healing and harmonising all limiting beliefs, generational conditioning, suffering, ignorance and un-owned baggage. It means 'cleaning out the closet' of everything that is not truthfully you, or yours, everything you 'took on' of others, and coming home to your original blueprint having solved karmic lessons and evolved your soul. Your challenge is to lead by example. BE the LOVE that YOU ARE, no more, no less, and your soul mission will be complete. You are here to live heaven on earth! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I hope much of that resonated and helped you on your mission to just be YOU! You are meant to be here, and you are immensely loved, safe, protected and appreciated. Source loves you, and I love you very much indeed, because we are kin. I've got your back. I realised a long time ago that my job is to remind Earth Angels who they are, and then help them embody their unique gifts and potential if they are willing to accept. This isn't some egotistical fancy. It's been happening my whole life, since I was a child. The problem is, many earth angels are proud, and believe that they are supposed to be doing this alone. But the fact is, we're not! We need each other. We fly together like birds of a feather! It important to remember that. Being here on earth is not a punishment or a test, but a re-union! A team mission. If you're a secretly stuck angel, and you're too weighed down with other people's stuff, or you feel intrinsically wrong deep-down inside, or you just want to break free and sprout your wings and expand into your fuller potential and go next-level - perhaps it's time to reach out? I'm running an 8 week program that promises to deliver you from the deep, karmic or ancestral stuff that needs shifting and open up your receiving channels for greater self-embodiment. It's your time my angel. It's time for your new life, your REAL life, to begin. So if you needed to hear this message and you feel my words speaking to you, click the button below and get in touch. I LOVE YOU. I'll see you on the inside.
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Happy Chinese New Year! Yesterday the new moon led us into the Year of The Water Rabbit. But what does that mean? And what fortune will it bring you?
First, let’s look at water. Water is symbolic for LIFE. It’s about flow and feeling & the subconscious. But here’s the thing most people just don’t understand. They think that life is something that happens TO YOU. That it’s something you DO. But Life doesn’t happen to you. It’s not what you see going on in your streets and societies. Life moves through you, like an infinite river that has no beginning and no end. It has no destination either, for water is as comfortable in the sky as clouds as it is on the ground as rain drops and rivers. It’s not even afraid of fire because it transforms into steam. Water is at home everywhere, because it is IN everything. Life runs you, and not the other way around. It’s the stream of Existence itself. And it is ABSOLUTE abundance in its purest form. You cannot control it. To become a master of life, you must connect with it. See Life & meet it fully, AS IT IS. Then you realise. Then you understand. Then you understand your choices and can choose. Then you can release and let go because you understand how. Then you fall in love with the feelings of freedom and truth. Then you appreciate like you’ve never felt appreciation before. You become elated and blissful, in a very grounded, tangible and authentic way. Then you’re ready and open to receive what Life really has to offer you. Because YOU are not you. You’re not who you think you are. You get trapped, lost and stuck because you think that you have to become a better and better VERSION of yourself, basically because you judge & dislike yourself. AND you have no idea who you really are. If you did, you would never even think such non-sense! The ONLY version worth being is the REAL one. The one where you are a passenger personality; a guest, an avatar of Life having an experience of being human, through you. So, HAVE YOU MET THE REAL YOU yet?! Have you had a conversation? Have you had real connection? Have you understood who you are and why you are here? …And jumped into the river of fortune and unconditional love that awaits you?? Haha! It’s funny because it sounds easy, and it IS. But most people are afraid of the water, clinging to the banks of the river, the banks of their ideas, the banks of their imagination, trying to conjure good fortune and relationships that will never satisfy them. And what of the rabbit? Rabbits symbolise abundance through creativity, family, and close connection. So, in a nutshell, this year’s fortune message is all about ending the need to control. Instead, jump into the water of Life within you, and learn how to breathe in the element of intimacy, emotions and deep connection. Breathe through your essence & your spirit. Breathe with ease and grace. Learn how to let go and trust Life to carry you. Create, Play, Get cosy. Get close. But pay attention, because rabbits also symbolise fear. They scare easily and are highly cautious. So this year, learn to master your fear. Do so without control, because control is borne from fear. But, by mastering self-awareness, your intuition and your senses.Learn how to stop jumping and running at every little trigger from your poor, fraught nervous system. And instead, to stop, listen, and FEEL. Learn how to plug into your super-consciousness to discern your next steps. When you know where the water is you will never be thirsty. May your year be full with wealth and wellness in all areas of your life. May you find the abundant well within and never know lack again. May you know yourself, that you may never be lost again. Happy New Year Angel! If you'd like to learn more from me or see howdy services can help you - Go to my website www.taraloveperry.com ![]() I'm not religious and I'm certainly not Christian, but today is Easter Friday. According to the story, Jesus died on this day 2022 years ago for our sins. Let's talk about death and sin and why this is a poignant and important metaphor for NOW. For the loving, conscious souls on this earth, it feels as though we have been straddling two worlds these past couple of years and more. One world is hypnotized by main stream media, and dominated by beings who can no longer claim to be human as they strip people of their health, mental faculties, sensibilities, wealth, sovereignty and basic right to freedom. This world is being led like a lemming over the cliff edge of an AI future, void of nature, heart, soul and innocence, where the very foundations of creation are perverted and paedosexuality normalised. The gates of hell are wide open and demons are running the show, blatant and in full view, but completely unseen by the eyes of the cognitive dissonant. But most prolific are the demons who have taken over the minds of individuals, inflated in their hyper-egoic and self-centric reality, closed to empathy and compassion, hurting, blaming, shaming and gaslighting the compassionate and sensitive ones. True colours are out on show, shadow-selves un-closeted, dark-sides revealed and devils unmasked - The global satanic take over is in full force with spiritual fictions on all sides grossly distorting and misleading the blind. AND THEN...Then, there's the other world... The world where Love is All - Where the heart may be broken seeing brothers and sisters enslaved and trapped by trauma, but despite the insanity and suffering, we see the light and beauty in all of it. This world is full of new life, opportunity, healing, optimism, and a soul-deep compassion that runs stronger and fiercer than ever before. The world is where the healed masculines and feminines unite in true love's embrace, within the one-being and without in magnetic pairs, for Soul-self and for Source, for life and for freedom. The world where the ego has knelt to the heart, where consciousness is alight, kindness is king, and humility empowers our interactions. The New Earth is beckoning us to jump, but it means death of the old. We can no longer live between and straddle the two worlds, the split has become too great. All our attachments to the old world must now be released, and that means relationships to others, but most importantly the relationship to who we were in that old world. Your entire life is lived and determined by the relationship you have with yourself - Therefore, how are you relating to you? What are you relating to as REAL? This is the only choice ahead of you now. If you've recently experienced aspects of your character and self identity being challenged, and what you used to relate to as YOU has fallen apart, then may I confirm that you are right on track to let go and surrender what wants to leave your reality right now. You are not here, in this life, to be strong, save the world, save others, take the brunt, take the blame, keep sacrificing, keep martyring, keep giving til you drop, or keep playing the role that you thought you had to, to be loved. It is not your job to hold it together, work harder, or fight. All this must be allowed to gracefully, and with gratitude, die. You are here to love, live and bring your highest dreams into reality. We cannot fight darkness, only shine the light brighter. Let go of the old world, the old paradigm of your self identity. Last December the eclipses massively signified this message, and as we again approach the eclipses at the end of this month, the learning cycle completes. Bless what leaves your life today. Create a ceremony for yourself to mark the death of the old and your surrender to it's passing. This Easter, it is time we die for our own sins - The unconscious parts of ourselves, the unconscious world, the shadows we fight and demons we feed? Allow death to come to that that is not Wholy/Holy You, but a mere shadow thereof. It's very much time to STOP giving energy to EVERYTHING which is not truly you, or your highest good. Feed only your soul, your inner divine Source, and the LOVE that Is You. It's time to rise and live again! What is your heart and soul asking for? Do you want to paint, grow veggies, start a community project, teach children, build homes, invent natural solutions, live in peace, sing, dance, create, write, care for elderly or animals? Where do you need to be to be fully happy? To fully live? Who do you need to be around? AND, what if, where you are right now is where you are meant to be, and you have all the resources, people, and tools around you that you need to thrive? Surrender completely and know that your divine soul will lead you and guide you. Your family of light is with you, you are not alone, and will not be abandoned. You, dear, conscious soul, are being called from within your heart to end all tyranny in your life, release all that no longer serves you or ails you, and walk away from energies that cast shadows on your light and betray you. This Easter, perhaps spend 3 days in ceremony with your self. Use symbols, images, and totems to represent what's leaving your reality, bury them, say prayers, mourn, grieve, do whatever you must. Could Easter Monday be the day of your New Life & New Earth? Rise again, rejoice, celebrate, sing, and be with your tribe. This is your renewal, your rebirth, your reign of Self/Source LOVE! ![]() Tragically, most people grieve alone, which isn't the correct way to grieve and does not lessen the emotional trauma or the physical symptoms that grief causes. Grief, like all traumas and unresolved issues, can go unrecognized and unhealed for many years, even so much as to be passed onto the next generation, unconsciously and unwittingly. Many people of our generation carry transferred grief from previous the generations of our parents and ancestors, without realizing that is it at the core of our anxieties, life patterns, illnesses and other self disassociation ailments. Grief has many textures and elements. See if you recognize any of the following within yourself and your loved ones. Stone cold grief is when the person disassociates from the emotions and feelings of grief altogether. There's a hardening within the person as if to protect them from the unbearability of the situation. They often suffer from physical ailments resulting from this emotional hardening, and will take drugs to numb them even more. Their words can be cold and hard, and it's common for this grief to be expressed as a lack of empathy and compassion. Trying to get emotional connection or intimacy from a person with this grief element is like trying to get blood from a stone. Sword grief is pain that feels cold, sharp and metallic, as if being stabbed by a blade. It is cutting and the wounds of this grief render people sharp tongued, bitter, constantly in victim mode, complaining of injustices in the world and upon themselves. Their physical ailments will be from knife, sharp object and puncture wounds, or have wounds that are slow to heal, and they will have multiple surgeries and surgical mishaps. These people don't like to get close and will be stabbing with their words to protect themselves from showing vulnerability. Deep well grief is the water element, a person who is stuck on drowning in their sorrows. They feel helpless to get out of this state and get caught in the incessant turmoil of their emotions, never seeming to reach the bottom of their tears. They are weepy types, and often resort to pulling others into the well with them to keep them company. They fear being alone forever. Physical ailments will be weepy sores, runny eyes, noses and discharges. They are likely to have bladder illnesses and leaky gut syndrome, and other such watery, pussy conditions. Fire grief is the raging, out of control, angry grief, that lashes out and scorches others with temper and blame. They are quick to ignite and hot to handle, often being unable to control their emotional outbursts that appear far larger than the causation situation warrants. It can also show up as simmering embers, becoming inflamed at the slightest hint of lack of control. Their ailments will be from inflammation, red, angry looking sores, burning pains, heart attacks and acid re-flux. Feather grief is where the person seems to float above themselves, the reality of the world, and of course their emotions. They are lofty in their ideals, attempting to be holier than thou and escape the harshness of real life. They have trouble associating with being human and living in the solid world, desiring to fly away to a better place. Their physical ailments will be wind related and their autoimmune systems will be weak. They cannot tolerate aggression or uncomfortable emotions and will always look for the next 'high'. Empty well grief is the hollow, empty kind of grief, where a person is empty and bereft of feeling and often the will to live. Nothing satisfies them or fulfills them. Either food is a bare necessity and eating is a chore, or they cannot eat enough to fill the hole. These types will often have nothing to say, be numb to emotions and have little interest in anything. They will usually suffer from not enough money, or too much money, and try to fill their lives with material objects, or live with little to no possessions. The only way to really grieve is to recognize which types of grief you carry and to powerfully and deeply acknowledge and release the beliefs and feelings that imprison you. Grieving must be done openly and with others, like in a trusted circle of elders, with your family or community, and ideally held in some sort of contained space or ceremonial situation. Grief must be outed, expressed, held safe, and honoured with reverence. It is a sacred act to grieve, and heals not just the person grieving, but it ripples through time releasing the grief of the ancestors and liberating future generations from carrying the burden. It's time to grieve. When you grieve you feel relief. The weight is lifted. The dark skies above you clear. The sun comes out again and your true path becomes illuminated. Properly releasing grief is the way to healing both the individuals and the collective, simultaneously. Reach out and find your tribe to grieve with. JOIN SELF LOVE CLUB FREE and find the guided healing meditation for Grief |
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