![]() Lots of people not feeling much Peace and happiness today. Then again, lots of people not feeling much peace and happiness most days. Blessings. I feel you. What I learned growing up, from a master who's consistent message was about peace and happiness, is that Peace is not so much a feeling that comes and goes depending on what peaceful things are happening around us, but rather an essential state of Being. In my life, I notice that the state of Peace is always there within me. The possibility is for me to arrive at that inner place and be IN IT. Or, another possibility, is that I'm not in it, but elsewhere in a different, less peaceful state. The choice is mine. I'll say that again... The choice is Mine, whether I choose to go towards peace, or I choose to avoid it. Many people would say that they can't be in Peace when so many non-peace inducing things are happening externally to us; things that we can't control; things that we are helpless to. Again, Peace is a choice. We can choose to experience feeling helpless in the face of such (deliberately) fear inducing events. Or, we can experience a non-changing, non-dualistic, omni-present state, wherein We Are Free. From this place of peace in me, world circumstances look a lot different to when I am not. My emotional state is calm, my mind clear and my heart's voice is clearly audible. I gain a sense of everything being exactly perfect, even though, granted, it may not appear so from the perspective of the non-peaceful place. I gain a sense of direction and power, where I can choose my reality by what I choose to feed with my attention and focus upon. Some might argue that this, my little 2 cents worth here, is just new age hippy-shit, and that instead we have to fight, or get mad, or get angry, or blame someone, or run somewhere, or DO SOMETHING!!!! (This is ancient knowledge, spoken of over time and ages by the way. It just hasn't been put into practise by the masses yet, just a few here and there) And, to those people I would reply, have you tried it? Have you tried being in Peace, first as a priority, with Peace as your leader, and THEN making choices, taking actions and finding a way forward? When human beings are plugged into their 'higher states of awareness' or the Heart, immense and previously unfathomable things then become possible. Things you can't even imagine or foretell when dominated by the state of Fear, with feelings of anger, sadness, helplessness etc clouding the awareness. Do you think it's possible that if each one of us chose to BE IN PEACE, that it could have a knock-on effect and remind one another to do the same? And perhaps from there, become a peaceful community, a peaceful nation, with the clarity and awareness to make powerful NEW Choices for the benefit of All? I do. I believe in that. Breathe in. Breathe out. Peace IS within you, waiting for you. Solutions are there, right in front of us, if we have the clear eyes to see them. PEACE <3 Love you.
Author* Hello Beautiful Soul! * Archives
February 2023