I'm not religious and I'm certainly not Christian, but today is Easter Friday. According to the story, Jesus died on this day 2022 years ago for our sins. Let's talk about death and sin and why this is a poignant and important metaphor for NOW. For the loving, conscious souls on this earth, it feels as though we have been straddling two worlds these past couple of years and more. One world is hypnotized by main stream media, and dominated by beings who can no longer claim to be human as they strip people of their health, mental faculties, sensibilities, wealth, sovereignty and basic right to freedom. This world is being led like a lemming over the cliff edge of an AI future, void of nature, heart, soul and innocence, where the very foundations of creation are perverted and paedosexuality normalised. The gates of hell are wide open and demons are running the show, blatant and in full view, but completely unseen by the eyes of the cognitive dissonant. But most prolific are the demons who have taken over the minds of individuals, inflated in their hyper-egoic and self-centric reality, closed to empathy and compassion, hurting, blaming, shaming and gaslighting the compassionate and sensitive ones. True colours are out on show, shadow-selves un-closeted, dark-sides revealed and devils unmasked - The global satanic take over is in full force with spiritual fictions on all sides grossly distorting and misleading the blind. AND THEN...Then, there's the other world... The world where Love is All - Where the heart may be broken seeing brothers and sisters enslaved and trapped by trauma, but despite the insanity and suffering, we see the light and beauty in all of it. This world is full of new life, opportunity, healing, optimism, and a soul-deep compassion that runs stronger and fiercer than ever before. The world is where the healed masculines and feminines unite in true love's embrace, within the one-being and without in magnetic pairs, for Soul-self and for Source, for life and for freedom. The world where the ego has knelt to the heart, where consciousness is alight, kindness is king, and humility empowers our interactions. The New Earth is beckoning us to jump, but it means death of the old. We can no longer live between and straddle the two worlds, the split has become too great. All our attachments to the old world must now be released, and that means relationships to others, but most importantly the relationship to who we were in that old world. Your entire life is lived and determined by the relationship you have with yourself - Therefore, how are you relating to you? What are you relating to as REAL? This is the only choice ahead of you now. If you've recently experienced aspects of your character and self identity being challenged, and what you used to relate to as YOU has fallen apart, then may I confirm that you are right on track to let go and surrender what wants to leave your reality right now. You are not here, in this life, to be strong, save the world, save others, take the brunt, take the blame, keep sacrificing, keep martyring, keep giving til you drop, or keep playing the role that you thought you had to, to be loved. It is not your job to hold it together, work harder, or fight. All this must be allowed to gracefully, and with gratitude, die. You are here to love, live and bring your highest dreams into reality. We cannot fight darkness, only shine the light brighter. Let go of the old world, the old paradigm of your self identity. Last December the eclipses massively signified this message, and as we again approach the eclipses at the end of this month, the learning cycle completes. Bless what leaves your life today. Create a ceremony for yourself to mark the death of the old and your surrender to it's passing. This Easter, it is time we die for our own sins - The unconscious parts of ourselves, the unconscious world, the shadows we fight and demons we feed? Allow death to come to that that is not Wholy/Holy You, but a mere shadow thereof. It's very much time to STOP giving energy to EVERYTHING which is not truly you, or your highest good. Feed only your soul, your inner divine Source, and the LOVE that Is You. It's time to rise and live again! What is your heart and soul asking for? Do you want to paint, grow veggies, start a community project, teach children, build homes, invent natural solutions, live in peace, sing, dance, create, write, care for elderly or animals? Where do you need to be to be fully happy? To fully live? Who do you need to be around? AND, what if, where you are right now is where you are meant to be, and you have all the resources, people, and tools around you that you need to thrive? Surrender completely and know that your divine soul will lead you and guide you. Your family of light is with you, you are not alone, and will not be abandoned. You, dear, conscious soul, are being called from within your heart to end all tyranny in your life, release all that no longer serves you or ails you, and walk away from energies that cast shadows on your light and betray you. This Easter, perhaps spend 3 days in ceremony with your self. Use symbols, images, and totems to represent what's leaving your reality, bury them, say prayers, mourn, grieve, do whatever you must. Could Easter Monday be the day of your New Life & New Earth? Rise again, rejoice, celebrate, sing, and be with your tribe. This is your renewal, your rebirth, your reign of Self/Source LOVE!
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Author* Hello Beautiful Soul! * Archives
February 2023