Happy New Year Of The Unicorn![]() Beautiful Souls* Hello and welcome to What's about to be the most incredible New Year ~ The year of Powerful Manifestation. In Chinese astrology, the 'Year Of The Horse' began on 31st January when the Moon entered the sign of Aquarius, the Cosmic Dreamer who re-invents the future. I'm no astrologer, but it is absolutely the perfect analogy to share with you in my forecast of the year. So far, it's been a slow beginning of 2014. Most of us are still going through the death rites, stripping back and letting go of those old and no-longer-serving parts of ourselves from 2013's lessons. It's been incredibly painful, cruel at times, to have had to acknowledge the deeper parts of our psyche where we haven't respected, honoured and deeply loved ourselves. The hidden places where we've been acting out of integrity, putting off the inevitable moment when we have to say "Enough is enough!", and stamping that foot firmly to the ground to establish a much needed boundary in our lives. Boundaries are there to protect the child as s/he grows, but if they are misplaced, out of alignment or non-existent then we struggle as adults to know where to draw that healthy line, and have the courage to stand by ourselves when the boundaries are threatened. It's a time to be more integral with our personal boundaries, noticing where we over-give to compensate for what's lacking in our lives and how in the process dishonour ourselves. Or where we don't come forward enough to claim what is rightfully ours, to meet our own needs instead of expecting others to do it for us and avoiding being responsible for our own wellbeing. The energies of Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine within each of us, is raising her standards! She will no longer tolerate irresponsible behaviour that is detrimental to Her or the innocents on the planet, so this year we will see more than ever, people fighting for child protection and against environmental damage. It's a time of claiming one's power on a very fundamental level in our lives. To no longer be walked over or manipulated. The Sacral Chakra is awakening within us and we are becoming more conscious of it. The Sacral chakra holds the memories of our conception, both physically by our parents and cosmically by the Creator Energies, therefore it is both a physical space and a cosmic outer-space place deep within our bodies just above the public bone. It is Sacred Sexuality. It is the etheric womb, the dream space or as I like to call it, The Cauldron of Creation. It's the place where we began manifesting into our bodies, and it's where we can bring consciousness to for our own manifestations and dream-seeding. Working in synergy and harmony with the Creator Energies is our Birthright, it's how we are designed to be. The more we become conscious of what beliefs, dreams, values and boundaries we have seeded in our lives until now, understanding that we both create them as well as align ourselves with the dreams, values and boundaries of the Divine simultaneously, we can then claim our 'right' in adjusting them and align with Absolute Love. We must first Master Self-love and Be Love to co-create true love with another. We are undergoing the great process of stripping back the old foundations, the unconsciousness from which humanity has grown. And we are laying the new bed, planting new seeds, for a more fertile, rich, nourishing and unconditionally-loving basis for the future generations. We are having to bring light to what's been buried and 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' in the world, but firstly within our own psyche. Many people have been feeling that the rug has been pulled from under them, and how devastating! However, it is absolutely necessary to our evolution that nothing in our lives gets swept under the rug, no more buried secrets or lies. So, there will be a continuation of that deep. cleansing work this year, but ultimately it's a blessing. The invisible, beliefs that were conceived in you, that are deeply-rooted in your sacral chakra and control you without you realising, are going to come to the surface. It will feel like purging. And with this space clear, you will feel more like your authentic, innocent Essence of Yourself. You will feel more whole, more intact. Your self-love will be deepened. You will honour and respect the miracle of creation that you are. And our sacred union relationships will deepen and become more authentic and intimate, or else we will be forced to let go of what doesn't serve us and life will move us towards a true-love partner. So every-time you get another shake-up, just remember, it's Because You're Worth It! So, back to the horse...and the new energies of this year Horses have a mini heart in each foot that pumps their blood back up to the main heart in their chest. So 5 hearts total! If the horse has been shod, their hoof-hearts are unable to connect to the earth and ground them. It tames the horse as they lose their natural contact and connection with the heart beat of the planet. So like a horse, imagine you have a mini heart in each of your feet, that you love and need to be connected to the earth's natural rhythms, love being here and in your beautiful body, and love standing for yourself. Then imagine you have a heart in you sitting place, your base chakra, so that You Love sitting in your birth-rite and in your throne of You. Ground yourself in Love. Love where you stand. Love what you sit in, anchored to the Love of Mother Earth. For when we are fully grounded, to some this means hitting 'rock-bottom', we find the gold. We find our true worth. It allows us to raise our heads and with focused, clear direction, lift up our intentions to the cosmos, and charge forward with surety of the support beneath us and the stars that guide us. Dig down within yourself, find your worth, your heart of gold, and Be a Co-Creator, manifesting real love and your highest dreams into your reality.
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Author* Hello Beautiful Soul! * Archives
February 2023