![]() What’s Your Vision For Prosperity? Do you even have a Vision of what it looks like for You to be living a fully Prosperous and Abundant life? You see, most people don’t have a Vision for themselves, or if they do it’s more of a hazy, misty blurr, unclear and undirected! So if your vision is hazy and unclear, that’s what you’ll create! Vision is vital to your success and to your prosperity, and by prosperity I mean your wealth, health, heart and Soul prospering. If you don’t have a clear cut vision for yourself, or if you’re finding it hard to attain your vision, then would it help to have someone Vision on your behalf, to lift you up, and help you get clear until you do? Vision is not just Seeing To get in touch with your vision, and for it to be clear, some other important things need to happen. 1. To know who you are in your core or your essence by feeling it ~ to know that there is more to you than you can currently see in your mind or express with words and actions, and to 2. To WANT TO BE ALL THAT! 2. To Decide that you are going to live to your fullest potential no matter what 3. To Listen to that inner calling to being your greatness everyday , and ALLOW it to start to Inform you of how it looks, sounds, tastes and feels. 4. To let your heart be the guide. If your heart gets warm and starts to Fill Up with feeling, you’re getting warmer. 5. Keep visioning and feeling together until you FEEL really warm and yummy and excited! 6. Say it out loud to yourself and write it down daily. Let it form itself, let it be a living, breathing, growing vision 7. Keep doing all steps above til you find yourself unstoppable in actioning and doing your vision every day. When the feeling and vision are strong together, action is inevitable! 8. Get daily inspiration! Listen to the vision of others, let it fuel your Vision for happy, healthy, wealthy Prosperity! You are more than you currently know that you are, therefore your vision needs to be unlimited! It’s like if you hold an acorn in your hand, you know it has the potential to be a mighty Oak tree. But you have to plant it, feed it, water it, and keep seeing it as the tree that it’s growing to be, believing in it. But, you have no idea what that tree will actually look like. You have no idea how big it will grow and how many other acorns it will produce to share around and give to others later on down the line. What you do know is, that just one acorn can start a whole forest! This is your potential too. See your Vision and plant it. Nurture it with good feelings, fuel it with your belief, water it with loving words and don’t give up on it ever! It’s all about YOU. I Believe in your vision ~ plan it in the world and grow a future for our children that isA~B~U~N~D~A~N~T! with so much love Tara love Perry Goddess of Compassion and Abundance for your Dreams Coming True Vision Let me help you get it touch with your vision. I See You www.taraloveperry.com
Author* Hello Beautiful Soul! * Archives
February 2023