![]() You are in the MOST incredible relationship right now, that is both unconditional and absolutely conditional, simultaneously. Right Now, life is having a relationship with me. It knocks on my door about 10 times a minute. It shapes me, then enters me, penetrates me, caresses me, holds me and tenderly cares for me in all my sleeping and waking hours. It cuccoons me in a soft embrace that preserves, protects and provides for me. And, what is my relationship like with my life in return? Well, I’m often forgetful of it. I take it forgranted, demand more of it, get frustrated with it, get angry and blaming and violent with myelf and others about it. I loose sight of what is given and provided for me on a moment by moment basis. Then when I think I can’t deal with life anymore, I break relationship and give the rights of my life away, into the hands of any others who are willing to take responsibility for me, instead of me. I will give it away to doctors who tell me about the conditions and state of my own mind and body. I will give it to educational authorities to determine my cleverness, brilliance and tell me what my genius is (or if I have none). I will give it to a governing ‘body’ of people who decide for me the rules by which I have my relationship with my own life, and if that wasn’t enough, I then give the authority to just about everyone that I come into contact with, or have relationship with to treat me the way I think I should be treated but am unwilling to treat myself. I get upset and blame others for abusing, abandoning and using me when I am the one who has totally failed to take hold of myself. I failed to recieve this gift that Life gave me. I am the one who did not look Life in the eye and say, “Thank you, I take it!” Then to love, honour cherish and obey this gift of Me. I am the one who did not see the heart of Life and how she loves me in the sweetest, most sublime and effortless way, without question, hesitation or doubt. The love that Life has for me is as consistent at the air and perpetual as the turning of the earth, as bright as the sun and as quiet and elegant as the night sky. Her love is eternal. And, what did I do with it? I passively assumed the role, remained mostly unaware and gave it away, helplessly expecting someone else to do if for me. Life holds a door open for a while. She parts the cosmos and the heaven’s and makes a little space, wrapped in a bubble of breatheable geseous liquid elements, moulds a body from the clay of her body and invites us to Live in this moment right Now. Life keeps offering the space but how much time and space do we believe that we can have? We can have a longer space, or a shorter time. It is conditional upon our receiving of it, and dependant upon how we choose our relationship back with Life to be. What are the consequences of missing this opportunity? What happens if you continue to fail to recognize the Love that Life has for you? You see, life will never give up on me. She will open door after door, offer opportunity after opportunity, create body after body, unerringly, abundantly. But I am the one who will suffer. I am the one who will pull away and get lost and feel alone, and drown in my own sorrows of Lack. I am the one who will be stripped and shattered and fragmented - all given out into the hands of others to use for their own power gain and ego reign. I am the one who will be exhausted from too much trying and years of crying in the efforts I make to create and manifest what I think I do not have and was not already given. I am the one who will break under the illusion that I am nothing, not important, un-mattering and disempowered. Where have I let myself go to? To whom do I give my authority, my power? To whom did I forsake my knowing? What is Life’s invitation? Could it be time to grab hold of what was given and reclaim all that is Mine and Me and IS for Me? And to turn around with new eyes and scoop back into my arms what was lost, neglected, unappreciated, unacknowledged and misgiven. Bring it all back into the reign of your own kingdom of love. Re-align right relationship with your beloved Life. This is your stage; This is your story. You are not so small as you think, for Life’s magnificence and glory still holds You, encouraging You, to take your place and through the consciousness that IS, immortalize this being, magnify, illuminate and KNOW that You Are quite something! Life resounds with joy when we get it! The cosmos shakes and the planets sing and a new tone is heard throughout the universe. It’s the sound of awakening! The dawn chorus throughout infinite space as the celebrations arise from the simple yet profound act of One being, a simply being of mortal matter, of clay and mud and gas and air, claims his or her sovereignty as One who Matters. AS One to whom this gift has been bestowed. AS One who wakes up and grabs the hand of life and says YES! I see you, I hear you, I feel you, I am You, I love you too! and all that has been done in lack, ignorance and joylessness can be undone, the clocks turned back, the doors unlocked, and the impossible made possible, Because we KNOW NOW that we are beyond the limits of our forefather’s thinking as we inface, interact and get into relationship with the life that aminates our ME. Don’t fritter you life away like autumn leaves. Do not let yourself slowly, painfully decay because you can’t handle the responsibility to LOVE back what has been given to you. You are the master. You are the commander. You are the One who can write your own script and create a new future that’s never been seen before. You are the One who can fall back in love with the LIfe that does all that she can, serving you impeccably, to simply be here and exist, and You are the One who can reunite the bonds of love and mend all time, everywhere. Blessed be. Tara Love Perry June 2015
![]() The answer is too simple... Many of us pass our days thinking about what we need, what we want & what we should be doing to make our lives happy and complete; mostly thinking, thinking, thinking ourselves into depression, confusion and a slow self annihilation. People go to university to study it, theorising, philosophising, reading books and praying for the solution. And, almost everyone suffers some kind of abandonment issue and feels fundamentally alone and unloved. The majority of people suffer from poverty, lack issues and a need for benevolence from someone bigger than them, like the Government, God or the Lotto. Chronic emptiness is a 'Norm', virtually everyone is waiting… for something that they don't even know what; A greater purpose, meaning, or significance to their lives…or else stuffing themselves full of media, food, people pleasing, self-delusion….something to take the edge off. This is the biggest irony ~ The MOST beautiful, kind, giving, loving benevolent, abundant, uncompromising, sustainable source of FULFILMENT & JOY is with you 24/7. IT never left you. But you left it. The secret to Life? Life itself. It's so obvious, so simple, so insignificantly coming and going without any fuss at all that we can completely forget about it. We are busy looking for the answers and the answers are delivered to our door every second we breathe. There's this incredible miracle happening ~ This thing called Life created YOU. And it continues to create you and sustain you ~ consistently, without fail. Life gave you a birthday present the day you were born, and you are IT. You are the present. Can you be present with that? Then life continues to create, all around you, sustaining absolutley everything so that you are not alone and have a massive variety of other life forms to play with, interact with and enjoy. Meanwhile, Life still keeps showing up for you personally, a greeting, a blessing, a "hello you! I'm here, I love you" in every single breath you take. It's sweet, it's digestible, it's un-complex and undemanding. It's slides down easy, glides through your body like silk and undoes any knots or stress you have, releasing pain and smoothing out the crinkles. It's constantly trying to get into the places that need more attention, to relax you, soothe you, remind you how loved and important you are…. it strokes you, caresses you, kisses you on the lips in the tenderest of ways…. and still you ignore it. The greatest friend, lover, teacher, benevolence is being ignored, and still IT loves you and continues to give. Pay attention! Did you know that the power that breathes this breath into you is EVERYTHING That Is? It created you, it designed you perfectly to receive, and then it gave you consciousness and free will. It's entirely up to you whether you choose to accept the silent, invisible secret to life; cherish it, treasure it and respond to it's presence; or not. You can stay ignorant and searching, wondering why all this bad shit happens to you, or wake up and smell the roses ~ you have not been ignored. You have not been abandoned, or forgotten, or left out, or given any less than anyone else. The magnificence of Life itself is You. This is the most worthwhile relationship to nurture. Invest in this bond with life as life has invested in you, simply show up and reciprocate, and the greatest secrets to all your questions are answered. Close your eyes. Breathe, Receive, Feel and Listen. You are all the answers you need. The Secret is you. Open the gift that is Your 'ME'! Love you Tara www.taraloveperry.com PS. If you would like a free Breathe & Receive mediation, send me an email and I'll wing it to you asap. PPS, Want to share this? Feel free! Thank you XXX Let's think about this for a moment. It sounds like a good idea because you relate to what you see in the mirror, it's a connection that you've made with yourself. But how real is it?
What we see is what we get - a reflection. Around the age of 3 years old, your sense of self-identity clicks into gear. This is when your innocently developing ego is able to recognise itself as an image in a mirror. And so, as you grew you steadily learned to form a relationship with a perception of yourself, both fundamental and vital step in identifying yourself as a physically separate being from your mother and father. You gain a sense of ownership to this unique identity. The relationship to the outer perception is not whole and integral with the living, breathing, feeling, real you. When you touch your reflection in the mirror, do you feel the connection? Do you see the fullness of your heart? Do you see the vastness and beauty of your soul? Can you taste your own sweetness? Probably not. You probably see someone wanting to be truly 'seen' for everything that they are, but not quite getting the full monty. Whilst saying "I love you" in the mirror is a good practice for loving what you see, it can also act like a sticking plaster to try to quick fix and plaster over what you don't love to see. "I love you" heals everything, in time. And love will also illuminate everything unlike itself, to be seen, realised and released; Like burning impurities from gold or shining bright, warm sunlight upon one who's dwelt only in shadows. Be prepared to face the one who's pain has been smothered. Be prepared to eventually stop looking into a piece of cold, empty glass and connect to the sentient you. Close your eyes. Take your eyes within and open them to the real you. The one behind the face. There you may be a true witness to the dweller within the casket of this outer skin. There you may behold the beauty that you strain to see with the outer eye. There you may capture the radiant giving of your beating heart, that never stops beating for you even when you beat yourself. Take your alive touch and bring it to the one who wants to be touched; acknowledged for real. Notice the body that enwraps and enfolds you and pay your homage to this living stuff. Then say "I love you". Your senses have to be with you if you want to feel the effects of connection. The words "I Love you" will echo round the vestibules of your sense of self, looking for The One to whom those words belong… ...so where do they belong? Not with a limited identity defined by edges and shapes, colour and representations. But a constantly expanding, experiential and unlimited 'You'. "I love you, Me" hits home like a cup of tea on a cold day. It lights your heart like a match to dry hearth and will illuminate the way within for you. Show yourself that you mean what you say, and stop trying to convince yourself by saying words that bounce off inanimate surfaces. Get straight to the heart and core of your 'Me'. If you choose Love to be your guide, your truth and your way, then saying "I love you me" whilst turning your full attention to the Me who needs your attention will be the guide that opens the doors and drops everything into it's rightful place - no ego identity required. In love, Tara Love Perry * Please comment and share as you wish, and show your appreciation and respect by crediting my work and keeping my words intact. Thank you! <3 |
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February 2023