![]() Something well buried, shackled and assumed dead in the deep, dark within humanity wants to arise, and for more than just a seasonal masquerade. What has lain in our grave, wintery matter now mysteriously begins to stir. It’s not just spring in the air and the first flushes of colour that’s tingling to the senses. Distinctly tangible, yet to most invisible, it is the heaven scent of a rebirth in consciousness. While millions await the Second Coming, anticipating the return of the messiah, millions more are experiencing it first hand on a daily breath by breath basis. Could it be that the Lord is, in fact, resurrecting from our own hallowed ground, right under our noses? As children of Gaia we are umbilically bonded, in a symbiotic relationship experiencing in unison the symptoms and birthing pains of the Great Awakening. You may be noticing it yourself, as tender feelings and memories of the past now kindle and resurface for acknowledgment, urging you to remember and reintegrate what was lost or abandoned in you during your childhood. Perhaps your previously dependable crutches of self-identity and neatly stacked perspectives of culture, society and reality are wobbling, in disarray, or no longer fathomable. Perhaps like many you’re walking around with a sense of disillusionment, blinking as if nothing is real anymore, with displaced security and certainty about what the future holds. Both collectively and personally our man-made ideals and control mechanisms have evaded us and beaten us in a game where we can no longer hide from ourselves in silent insanity. Our towers of babel have begun to tumble like child’s blocks, and castles in the air of our high folluted dreams and over inflated egos unsophisticatedly topple. What went up must come back down to earth. The tarmac of ignorance has cracked. All that’s gone before now is turning to mulch and we have the makings of a perfect compost for a new foundation. This is the breaking of new ground, the turning of the soil, aerating and fertilizing, to lay the bed for the long awaited holy birth of our True essence, the return of innocence and simplicity. And the call of the Great Mother draws us in closer to know in a heart beat, embracing as she does, the forces of divine Creation within us. This is the call of Great Spirit, lifting us to new horizons, stretching our imagination to the vistas of the new earth, a new possibility for humanity at this time, to see the higher truth of who we are, allowing all other facades of what seemed real to crumble before our real-eyes. This calling comes from the heart, from our denied Divine inner-child, for our Innersenses to come out to play. Don’t be shy if you hear your name being called. Come forth, be present and show up. Mythical elements of our very own nature are shaking off their sleepy covers to reveal in us what we actually never forgot, what we never lost and to which we are inherently, infinitely connected; the deeply Divine nature of who we are. Once upon a time, and not just in fairy tales, we could talk to plants and animals, spirits and angels and so it is again, as we awaken from the historic nightmares of old judgments and limitation perception. There’s more to being human than we’ve dared believe so far, on a journey in unchartered landscapes, expanding into The Creator field of consciousness that is Now. We awakening to I AM-ness and behold the dawning era of a new earth. So, with increasing receptivity, sensitivity and heightened awareness, we’re opening our eyes to the emerging reality, that I AM the light, the life and the way. It’s the season of re-birth for the whole soul, to come home to the hearth of Knowing and take up our thrones as kings and Queens, sons and daughters of the All that Is. As an intuitive reader, soul-birther and energy healer with many years of experience, I can assure you that you are not alone. Every person that comes through my door is undergoing a process of unwrapping from the cellophane of social, political, ancestral and cultural conditioning. As Innersense becomes more aloud and allowed, so increases the urgency to strip off the suffocative costumes of beliefs and behavior and ways of being that just simply no longer sit right with the soul. It’s a challenging task indeed, one that requires great courage to follow one’s true calling and defy the ‘normal’. Equally speaking it is also just a matter of time, inevitable, that each one of us must come home and be revealed. It can be immensely daunting as the prospect of following one’s unique soul purpose may not yet have a job description or a paye number. After what seems like an eon of muted senses, tuned to a narrow frequency band of what we can only see, hear, taste and touch in this ‘reality’, the one that we’ve been conditioned to believe is the only reality, then it’s easily conceivable and fully understandable that we might not be able to envisage what comes next. How will the bills be paid and practical needs provided for? What about the mortagage and the children’s education? You’ll know it’s your time when the need for supreme joy, liberation and fulfillment outweighs the demands of conformity. The pure Creative force has a plan, if we are willing to open our arms to receive the full birthday new-born presence of ourselves. Fulfilling the purpose of your soul requires a leap of Faith, to let go. Find the stable ground within, the permanent reliable source, the greater I AM. Dissolve into the inner slipstream of infinite presence with full trust and joy as this old paradigm of reality disintegrates behind us. Have faith in your dreams even and especially if your grown-up ‘should’ mind deems them childish and fantastical. It is time for the fullness of souls to bloom and seed the future world – one with more integrity, love and right-mindedness. Perhaps that defies explanation and rationale, and what even seems visibly possible right now as the wars and terror still rage on, but somehow, if you breathe it in, it makes sense in the heart and body-mind. This child of God and Gaia within you wants to have her say. She has miracles to reveal and the heart’s song to sing. Activate your greatest potential on earth, unfurl your shroud and unveil your light, and just Be. Be guided by Innersense. If you’re interested to learn more, or for workshops and courses to guide you in innersense, or to contact Tara ~ www.taraloveperry.com/[email protected]/ 07919 463243
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Author* Hello Beautiful Soul! * Archives
February 2023