Which God do You Believe in? Today I had a client for a Soul reading/healing that inspires me to write. In fact, every client inspires me, and what I’m writing about today is pretty much the same for every new client I have. One of the biggest common to all problems that people have is believing in themselves. We have been conditionned to Believe in Other people, namely deities, guru’s, mother and father and any amount of spiritual entities, the most common being GOD. When I read a person’s energy field, everything to their Right and the Right hand side of their body is the Masculine Energies, relating to their active, directional, inspirational and motivational energy, or masculine traits, how they perceieve and relate to the World and other men, their relationship with their Father and their relationship with God, or Great Spirit. So, however a person’s relationship with their Father is, or more importantly, was when you were a child, will be an exact mirror of their relationship with God. The same goes for the Left and the left handside of their body, that's the Feminine Energy, passivity, creativity, nurturing, compassionate, receptive energies, or feminine traits. How they relate to their Mother, or women, and their sense of belonging and safety on Earth and ease in their body. Their relationship with the mother will determine their ability to be fully in their Body, or not. Now, this may sound like a huge generalization. It is, but it’s also true. And as you sit there wondering and contemplating your parental relationships with the Divine Forces of Spirit and Earth, realise this. Most of your beliefs about God, Gaia and yourself are out of sight of your conscious mind. If we were all fully conscious there would be no problems! We would be fully Realized, or I like to spell it Real-Eyezed because we would be seeing and perceieving through our Real Eyes, the inner eye of Knowing. But we don’t. We perceieve ourself, others and the environment about us with the same little eyes that we looked out of as children, as toddlers, as a new born. So our eyes become imprinted with images and preceptions before we can even begin to determine or rational-eyez with them. We also carry a whole storage container called the Sun-conscious mind which is full of memories from our ‘Past’, ie, what else we have seen through our eyes in other life-times or other parts of our Soul’s journey. The Sub-conscious is the software that our brain uses to relate information, informing our mind and interpreting the images that we see outside of ourselves using what’s already in the computer. For instance, my client today had strong memories in her sub-conscious banks of fighting in the Crusades, wars fought in the name of God. She’s still fighting in the name of God, still on a mission. She had a relationship to her father where he was unobtainable, as if behind a large wall out of her reach. Her relationship with God was an unobtainable one, as if she could never reach Him and had to carry on fighting her mission until God gave her permission to stop. According to her Sub-conscious beliefs, one day the war and struggle in life would be over, she would have saved enough souls, earned enough brownie points with God and Ascend to Heaven as promised. She’s still living in the past, even though she’s a fully capable, intellegent, alternative and conscious kind of woman. She’s been doing The Work on herself for years in the area of personal development and healing, so she was amazed at how much she was still believing in this old History. Abandoned by God It’s so common! An outrageous amount of people are still placing all their hopes, dreams, fears and beliefs in an outmoded and ancient version of God. Their God is some kind of far away, judgemental being that we have to appease, be approved by and whom we pray to endlessly for help. That God that gave us a sacred mission to fulfill on Earth, that to a vast amount of people is proving impossible and uncompleted to this day. The God that demands we work harder. That God that we are waiting to be rescued by and finally be seen, held and cherished. That God that witholds our pleasures, or our desires, or witholds the big one, Love, in our lives til we get it right! Your beliefs will not be immediately apparent to you, but take an honest look at your relationship with your Father and it will give you some clues. Wonder for a while about how you perceive the world and what you think you have to do, or accomplish to get by in it, to attain your own approval or sense of success. It will all relate to your God relationship. It will all stem from sub-conscious (watery, dream-like, vague) , or completely unconscious (forgotten, death-like, buried) beliefs in your mind. Believe in God I Am God is like the perennial Sun in the sky, always there above the clouds of doubt, above the storms of dellusion, there, even in our darkness. God exists. The all loving, omnipresent energy of Golden colour light exists. I see it near you every day, although not often directly above you, shining straight down upon your head and lighting up your life, your crown and anchoring you on the ground. God exists as The Highest Expression of your Eternal Spirit Self. It is Your Great-Spirit. You and God are not seperate. You don’t have to reach out to find God, make offerings to the sky or sun to please God. If you are the open channel vessel you are designed to be, God enters you. The more grounded and landed and happy you are with your mortality, your physical, earthly body, not rejecting, denying or lessening any of it, accepting the Mother of you, the more your vessel can contain the light of Love and Truth that Wants to Fill you and Be You. The light of Creation, The great I Am of all things, created us as children to Receive and Enjoy. I hear it all the time. God says, “You are MY greatest Wish, My greatest most beloved Child. Your will is my Command." God seeks to be One with us. So if we’re OUT, ie not Home, here in our bodies, in our right mind, with open true perception to receieve WHAT IS, and free of past conditionning, then when God tries to call and enter into us, AS us, but there’s no answer! There’s no-one home. The doors are shut to the Love and Light. We’re out on our crusades, healing the planet, saving the souls, serving the masters, helping the poor, tending the sick etc etc. And then we wonder in the quiet of the night why aren’t being healed, or why we feel like we need saving, or why life isn’t serving us back the way we want, or why we stay so poor, or why we feel so ill and sick and miserable and alone. My God! Why we don’t believe in ourselves!? Well, we need to. There’s a lot of conditionning to undo, granted. There’s a lot of B.S. (Belief Systems) to give back to history, to give up and relinquish and stop being addicted to. Just come home and get comfy with yourself. Give yourself the adoration, the attention, the offerings, the prayers, the blessings and the BELIEF. Give yourself what you need and want and long for with asbolute love. Restore everything to it’s rightful owner and rightful order and the universe begins to flow your way again. Give away what you think you know and start listening to things that make sense and feel good. Tell your old Gods that you’re sorry but you’ve had enough. Thank him/it for the great times you’ve had together and for the interesting experiences and move back HOME, into yourself. You may have quite a bit of cleaning out and re-arranging to do, since whilst you were away chasing All That You Already Are, other critters will probably have moved in! And to those people who already know this and there’s nothing new here, I ask you this: Who are you listening to? What’s the voice in your head that Guides you and Orders you around? What do you Obey? And then look around and see if you’re getting the results you want in your life. See if that voice is working out for you, in your favour. Because it’s REALLY ridiculously easy to be in denial and not see it. We’re all in the same boat at the end of the day. We’ve all lived through history and have EPIC stories and tales to tell of where we’ve been. It’s the stuff of Films and Fairy stories, archetypal and rich with blood, guts, gore and broken hearts! The Lack of God, the Divine Inspiration, the True Love, The Hero, was at the core of all those stories. And now it’s time to start afresh. Time to tell a new story. Time for history to be over and Time-less Joy and Ease to begin. The end of suffering, pain and struggle. It starts with each one of us. We are God, We are the Light, the Life and The Way. So command a new beginning and Believe in YOU. I believe in you. And I’m feeling more I AM every day :) With so much Love Tara Love Perry For Soul Readings, guidance and all that stuff >>> www.taraloveperry.com Meet me on Facebook and hang out >>>www.facebook.com/taraloveperry
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February 2023