![]() There are 2 main energies conflicting throughout the year, giving you the option of War or Peace. It could get you fired up and pulled apart, or make you flouish. Many will flouish while others burn out. Protected The first energy is that of protection, and it's two fold. Imagine that the Earth's gravitational pull was drawing our consciousness closer to her bosom. She wants her children near to her at this time, to get close to the earth and her natural rhythm. She calls us to get close to our own physical structure and nature. We are gravitationally drawn to meet it, connect with it, seek it and see the complexity of our matter. We are subtley inspired to search the cellular reality for a glimpse of the presiding consciousness that resides within every atom of our body. Feel the pulse of life beating though you. You are the drum of the Mother Earth's heart, amplifying her vibration into the top soil world. Stay close, keeps your eyes closed, and notice what sights are being revealed to you on an inner plane of existence. This is Reality. The inside is the new outside. This is where the true story is being told. She casts a shield over us the way a mother's arms would raise up to protect her young, as if in defence of some imminent martian assault. We have Mother Natures protection. The earth and Sun are in clear collaboration unifying their powers and arising to protect their offspring of humanity. The two opposite yet complimentary energies of masculine and feminine now visibly display their relationship of unconditional love, a divine marriage for all to see and for us to aspire to; signifying an end to the war between masculine and feminine, man and woman. Any seemingly adverse forces of the night that were against such unions for the sake of delaying the dawn have no more power. The Sun has won over darkness with the earth is in his safe hands, and we, the children, are being shepherded to safety in the comfort of our mothers skirts whilst the father energy holds the fort, energetically speaking. In other words: The Divine has this. Unity consciousness begins and conflicts will flare up and burn out. There is a barrage of stellar and non-human forces upon us this year. That may sound crazy, and I don't usually speak of such things, but it's true. Keep calm and turn a blind eye. Don't look the monster in the eye. Deny its power to affect you. Refute any claim external that energies may have over you, human or non-human, it's all the same. Mars turns his full attention to our mother planet with the look of a hot blooded bull-fighter determined to own and conquer her. The Sun dances in front of Mars to block his direct gaze upon us, but it seems the two Alpha males of the heavens will do this capoeira style combat for much of the year, one male seeking to protect and serve, whilst the other attacks to gain rights and dominence over humanity. In grounded terms, think of the elite, big-brother, bullying powers (of arguably 'not-fully-human' origin), in a heated battle with Justice, and all that is essentially right and good to get an idea of the scene. It's a staged performance. It looks dangerous and dramatic, and yet the Sun will aways win out, simply because it's bigger and more powerful against the upstart, rebellious son that Mars is and personifies. I'm shown the story of the 'North Wind and The Sun' as a metaphor to describe this competition between the masculine forces, and which of the two conflicting energies shall ultimately prevail over earth. Do you remember it? Are you sitting comfortably?... The North Wind and The Sun The North Wind boasted of great strength. The Sun argued that there was great power in gentleness. "We shall have a contest," said the Sun. Far below, a man traveled a winding road. He was wearing a warm winter coat. "As a test of strength," said the Sun, "Let us see which of us can take the coat off of that man." "It will be quite simple for me to force him to remove his coat," bragged the Wind. The Wind blew so hard, the birds clung to the trees. The world was filled with dust and leaves. But the harder the wind blew down the road, the tighter the shivering man clung to his coat. Then, the Sun came out from behind a cloud. Sun warmed the air and the frosty ground. The man on the road unbuttoned his coat. The sun grew slowly brighter and brighter. Soon the man felt so hot, he took off his coat and sat down in a shady spot. "How did you do that?" said the Wind. "It was easy," said the Sun, "I lit the day. Through gentleness I got my way." This story illustrates the dynamic I see for 2017, one in which a forceful presence and a gentle, loving presence go head to head to see who has the greater power over humanity and the earth herself. It's going to be exciting! But, we also know who wins... From this we can take comfort and stay true to our gentle nature, tending to daily life, caring for the garden, the little ones and the details that require a kind and patient hand, knowing that we are indeed protected. On the other hand, the seeming urgency of the situation will alert us to our stations. Big fires will appear several times throughout the year, both physically and politically that will need putting out. What's Your Gift? The sap of service will rise in you with more assertion than ever before. What will be your contribution, what is your gift, what can you offer? These will be important questions that, if not yet answered as a result of collapses in your life over recent years, will surge with a vengeance in your blood now, especially over spring and by the height of summer. You may feel as if the world will burn if you don't get to action and DO SOMETHING! The world won't burn, we are protected, but still the need to participate in a soulful, meaningful way will become almost an obsession. It's the Earth's way of saying, I've got you under my guard so practise your arts, your new crafts, your new dance, your new song, Now! Meanwhile the Sun battles a pre-won game of 'Who's the Daddy' with testy Mars, teaching him a lesson in how to grow up and a true man. Use the energy of Mars and the apparent threat of world domination by forces beyond our control to get excited, to get moving, to get creative, whist also not adhering to the fear. Let your firey passions be expressed in the sprouting of new stalks and stems and buds of crazed creativity, guided by the ultimate ruling power of the 'gently does it', 'just keep shining', unconditional self-evolving love of your inner wisdom. Mars is fiery, and so is the sun. Both are aggressive. Both big and male. Both valid in their place in our sky. Yet the sun's fire burns with tender life giving warmth, whilst Mars is hot headed and out for his own gains, and so it is with the masculine nergy of the year. The temperance comes from the feminine energies as we see her beauty emerge ever more radiantly, in passive, unconditional holding of both. She won't interrupt the fight. She lets the men do their thing. More women are coming into their true and graceful feminine power like this, and the same with the feminine within men. Inner beauty settles us and reminds us of the greater cause at hand. Softness calms agression. Water puts out fires. Be like the Earth The earth is our teacher as she turns, stays consistent, holds secure, gives stability, and reassures us that when we connect to her subtle, undemanding heart, we won't get caught in the cross fire happening overhead. Be like the earth. Let this be the way that we navigate the coming wars. Breathe deep, stay centered in your heart and hold yourself back from reacting to the drama you'll see played before you. Remember it's all staged. Remember it's not what it seems. Remember you don't need to take sides. Pay attention to the details and structure in your life that allow you greater flow. Try to learn from 2016, that squabbling with our siblings and fellow human kin over which side is right just gets us heated up and adds fuel to the fire. It doesn't get us a 'win'. Let's see if we can use the temperance of the waters flowing inside us to know what feels true and real, and what doesn't. Trust the gut. Trust the feminine in you. Trust the feeling. Stay gentle and don't get involved. Not even if the media sirens are blaring and righteous liberal-faced fire-engines are racing to the rescue. It's all a mis-direction ploy to distract us from what's going on at the centre of the Earth and to keep us disconnected from our truth. Don't fall for it this time. Cultivate Your Radiance Instead, grow your soul garden. Feel the boasts of power and use it as boosts for your personal growth spurts. Keep your eye on your gold, your unique inner gift, your glorious abundance of something you love that was given to you so you could help nourish the world. Come out of the soil where you hide and let your face be seen by all who will look. The golden flowers of the earth are bursting into a full and rich spring this year - a carpet of shining beings to adorn the planet like the precious jewels that we are. Your beauty gives the Sun even more of a reason to shine and sustain us with unconditional love, and the Mother earth's bosom will swell with pride with the much anticipated awakening of her children of the new age. The shadows in your own life will shorten when you decide to take action and shine bright. The lack that has haunted you for thousands of years, reminding you of its dominance with an aching emptiness in your soul will suddenly feel less powerful, less intense and more boring than last year, and all those years that went before. You'll wonder why you focused on it so much, gave it so much attention and allowed it to keep you cowering and small. "I can't" will be like a non-sense word that's lost it's measure. "I Can" and "I Am" are suddenly going to be more prolific and uttered like water off a ducks back by so many! Keep minding your business, keep your back to the wind, keep centered within. Keep your nose alive for the truth and your head screwed on when a drama fire alights. Keep your emotional waters calm and steady as you breathe deep and focus on your soul's plans that you are now making ready. It's going to be an exciting year with a lot of positive growth and solid evidence of human evolution afoot. Don't let the bullies get you down! Love and Relationships Read the above bit again about the Sun and Mars, and see them as representations of the man or the more masculine one in the relationship. Also read it as the masculine nature in both of you. This is the energy that wants to control, dominate, direct and challenge; or alternatively protect, serve, guide and love unconditionally. Which one will you be? What energy will dominate in the relationship? The woman, or feminine energy in the relationship, or within each of you, will be called to soften deeper, yield, become more passive in her efforts to do good, be seen and serve others. The feminine says feel into the body, follow your heart, love your belly and trust your intuitive senses. It will be a great year for the yin and yang energies to be balancing out, fights ending, battles between couples burning out, and for new levels of peace between the sheets manifesting. True love unions will be found where before it was barren. Babies will be made where before it was barren. And this is because we have been humbled, brought closer to our true nature, and had to surrender to it and love it. Masculine and feminine roles are levelling out - there is more equanimity in relationships. Genuine, unconditional love being found between couples is now appearing like a new and somewhat magical surprise. I see children of 'White Solar' energy being born - true, innovative thinkers born with future technologies encoded in their DNA. They will be crystallised leaders of multi dimensional consciousness in 20 years from now - wow! Mate and consummate consciously. Give each other your all. Surrender to peace and know that you are loved. There's nothing to fight about. Work and Reward The same goes for businesses - you'll see new technologies being born this year. They won't be up and running yet, but you'll witness the infancy of a new future of energy, new thoughts, new ideologies, a foundational consciousness is being established all over the planet. All your hard work is paying off, even if you aren't yet reaping your personal rewards. Your time will come, I promise. The efforts you've made to clean up, clear out and let go of the ancestral shame and shadows of earth's history that's shrouded you for years are valiant. If you can't yet congratulate yourself and see how far you've come and what you've contributed, then now's the time. Celebrate your wins in the part that you had to play anyway. I applaud you. You are being cosmically applauded! Now, stop beating yourself up, get off the stage with self sacrifice and self pity roles and go do something fun and worthwhile instead! It's your turn to ENJOY! Happy 2017! = 10 = yin & yang = 1 All my love Tara Contact here for personal soul readings and guidance packages. http://www.taraloveperry.com/tara-11.htmlTara 1:1
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